So you want to go watch Endless Waltz, but you haven't seen Gundam Wing yet?? Well, here's what happened!

Operation Meteor! 5 Gundams!

Heero: You've seen me, I have to self-destruct! *BOOM* Damn! I missed!
Relena: It's you! Wanna come to my party?
Heero: I'll kill you!
Quatre: We shouldn't be fighting each other!
Trowa: OK. Let's jam! *LOTS OF MUSIC*
Wufei: Fight me Treize!
Treize: OK. I win!
Wufei: I'm so weak!
Relena: Heero!!
Duo: Man, he's psycho! Guess I'll go rescue him.
Treize: Let's plant a trap for the Gundam pilots!
OZ: Cool!
Heero: I'll kill anyone from OZ. *BOOM* Damn! Wrong plane!
Heero and Duo: We're changing schools now.
Quatre: We have to stop the new mobile suits!
Magunac Corps: We're right behind ya!
Duo: Nice to meet you. *BOOM* It's by air!
Zechs: Put 'em up!
Heero: Yo Mamma!
Une: I wanna blow up a colony because you Gundam pilots are fighting.
Heero: Shit! Guess I'll self destruct. *BOOM*
Quatre: Damn! That's gotta hurt! Let's retreat to the desert.
Duo: Cool! I'll come with ya.
Trowa: Guess I'll self destruct too.
Cathrine: Over my dead body!
Heero: I'm feeling better now.
Zechs: I'll fix Zero 1 so that I can fight Heero again.
Heero: Let's get it on!
Relena: Stop it! *STAMPS FOOT*
Noin: He's your brother, and I'm in love with him.
Relena: This fighting is stupid. I'm becoming a pacifist.
Duo: OK. But now we gotta go to space.
Quatre: OK. Let's let everyone else know! *BOOM*
Wufei: Man, you guys are wussies!
Duo: Yo mamma!!
Wufei: Just kidding. Let's go! *BOOM*
Quatre: Oh no, Sandrock!
Trowa: I think I'll go join OZ.
Une: We want a better gundam suit!
Mad Scientsts: Screw you! But we'll build you two.
Lady Une: We come in peace!
Colonies: OK! We're stupid enough to believe you!
Mr. Winner: Morons! *BOOM*
Quatre: Oh no, Father! I'd better build a new mobile suit for me.
Trowa: OK, I'm an OZ solder now. *BOOM*
Duo: Oh no, Deathscythe!
Quatre: I'll destroy everything! *BOOM* Oh no, Trowa!
Heero: Now see what you did?
Duo: Man, getting captured sucks!
Wufei: Yeah, I know.
Bunt: Man, I wanna kill those Gundam pilots.
Lady Une: Now I see what Treize wanted. I'll save the Gundam Pilots! *CLICK* *BOOM* Ouch!
Duo and Wufei: Coolness! Let's take our new Gundams and kick some collective ass!
Quatre: Hey, that new Gundam's psycho!
Heero: Yeah, I noticed.
Mad Scientists: Cool! Wing ZERO! *BOOM*
Quatre: Let's go back to Earth!
Heero: OK, we're back on Earth. Now what?
Quatre: The Cinq Kingdom sounds pretty cool.
Heero: OK! I wanna kick some ass along the way because I'm a soldier and that's what I do.
Noin: I have to protect Relena.
Heero: Cool! You found my Gundam!
Quatre: Yeah, lets stay and protect the Cinq Kingdom!
Heero: Just for a little while. I gotta go kill Treize later.
Wufei: Thanks for helping me get really strong.
Master Long: No problem. Hey look, OZ! *BOOM*
Wufei: Oh no, Master Long!
Heero: I'll go kill Treize now.
Treize: Here, I made a new Gundam called Epyon. Take it for a spin.
Heero: *BOOM* Damn! That thing's psycho!
Treize: Yeah, I know. So you gonna kill me?
Heero: No, I'll take Epyon with me.
Treize: Ok, later!
Zechs: Well, Tallgeese is pretty old and I'm too good for it now so I'll switch over the Wing ZERO. *BOOM* Bye Tallgeese!
Zechs: Now I'll go to Earth. *BOOM* It's Heero!
Heero: Yeah! Now I get to kill Zechs!
Epyon: No you don't.
Heero: Hey, you're right! OK, I'll give you to Zechs and take Wing ZERO.
Quatre: I gotta go home and take care of the family business.
Heero: OK, later!
Duo: Hey cool, you're back! Guess what? Trowa's still alive!
Quatre: Wow! Hey Trowa! Glad to see ya!
Trowa: Who are you?
Catherine: Leave him alone!
Trowa: I have to protect Catherine so I'll go with you even if I don't know who I am.
Noin: Cool! Then we can join forces to protect the Earth!
Zechs: I guess I'll go join White Fang then.
Relena: I'm Queen of the World!
Duke Dermail: Not any more. We're giving that to Treize.
Treize: Yes!! In yo' face!
Relena: Oh well, guess I'll go back to space then.
Space: Ack!
Quatre: Come join us, Duo!
Duo: OK. 'Bye Hilde!
Hilde: Later!
Quatre: Hey, Heero's back. Wanna join us?
Heero: Well, OK, since I want to kill Zechs.
Quatre: You coming, Wufei?
Wufei: Naaa, you're all weak.
Wing ZERO: You really need them ya know.
Wufei: OK, I'll come.
Quatre: Rock on! Now we gotta go fight White Fang!
Relena: But I wanted to stop the fighting! *STOMPS FOOT*
Dorothy: Tough Noogies. C'mon, I gotta lock you up now.
Relena: HEEROO!!
Zechs: You know, I'm sick of all this fighting, so I'm going to blow up the Earth.
Earth: Help!
Treize: Wanna bet? I'm coming out to space to help stop you!
Gundam Pilots: OK, but we're not together or anything.
Quatre: Hey I mastered the ZERO system!
Heero: Good for you! Now let's kick some ass!
Hilde: I wanna help Duo, so I'll steal this data for him. *BOOM*
Duo: Oh no, Hilde!
Hilde: I'm not dead, but Relena soon will be.
Heero: Shit! I gotta go save her.
Sally: I got an idea! Lets crash our ship into theirs! *BOOM*
Zechs: Damn! The cannon's busted. Guess we'll just crash this ship into the Earth.
Duo: Fat chance! *BOOM* Hey, it's the scientists!
Mad Scientists: We'll do something to stop Zechs.
Zechs: Damn!
Quatre: You're crazy, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Mabye, but I bet I can beat you in a sword fight!
Quatre: You're on! *STAB* Ouch! Damn!
Trowa: OK, that's enough. Dorothy, you really are crazy. Lets get out of here, Quatre.
Doroty: *SNIFF* This sucks!
Magunacs: Master Quatre!
Quatre: Rashid!
Heero: Zechs!
Zechs: Heero!
Wufei: Treize!
Treize: Wufei! *BOOM*
Treize: Lady Une!
Lady Une: I love you, Treize!
Heero: Man, I wish she would stop that. But I like her anyways, so I'll still go save her.
Zechs: You can't stop me unless you destroy the ship.
Heero: Ok. *BOOM*
Zechs: Ha, you missed! But I can see your point of view, so I'll blow up this ship so that you can live.
Heero: Hey, thanks!
Zechs: Don't mention it! *BOOM*
Noin: Damn! It wasn't all destroyed!
Heero: I'll fix that! *BOOM*
Duo: Hey, it worked! And he's alive!
Everyone: Hooray!
Quatre: Hey, he's also the heart of space!
Space: Well, duh!

There! Now you're ready to go watch Endless Waltz!