Top 5 Pet Peeves of the Gundam Wing Pilots:

5. Duo's cheerful remarks
4. Dr. J replacing his regular coffee with Folgers to see if he notices.
3. Being ten cents short when buying ammo for 01.
2. His battery in his detonation trigger dying right before he pushes the trigger.
1. Someone keeps putting Aspercreme in his spandex.

5. Having fangirls leave so many messages on his machine that he can't get the serious ones.
4. Someone keeps switching the coffee to decaf.
3. The darn Leo parts keep getting caught in the batwings of Deathscythe HELL.
2. Crazy nuts that keep sneaking in and painting Deathscythe pink in the middle of the night.
1. Heero waking him up in the morning with a 3 foot 'braid' & a pair of scissors in his hands.

5. Giving the lion his flu shot.
4. The laundry lady forgetting the starch in his clown pants.
3. Someone keeps switching his hair gel with Elmer's Glue.
2. Catherine getting mad at him over not eating her soup and 'accidently' hits him with her knife.
1. Duo keeps rigging his computer to be voice-interface only.

5. Hotel expenses when he goes anywhere (after all, the Magunacs follow)
4. The laundry lady keeps putting starch in his shorts.
3. Heero yells "Punchbuggy" and slugs him in the arm whenever he sees a Leo.
2. Duo constantly refers to his violin as a 'fiddle'.
1. The ZERO system answers each of his questions with "I'm sorry Dave. I can't do that."

5. His shoes have virtually no soles, making running across hot gravel a trial in itself.
4. The laundry lady keeps starching his boxers.
3. He keeps losing Quake 3 Arena to Quatre, who plays with a Wing Zero mod.
2. Headaches from his ponytail being to tight.
1. Duo keeps rigging up Shenlong to play "Macho Man" when it's turned on.