Favorite Things

Favorite Music
By Dubird

Quatre: - Definatly classical music. Though he probally listens to 70's soft rock for variety.
Trowa: - A jazz buff. And occasionally swing music. Even Trowa has to cut lose from time to time.
Wufei: - Something tells me he's a closet heavy metal fan.
Duo: - 80's rock and roll. Most definatly!
Relena: - Romantic soft rock. Like Jewel. She probally sings to herself every morning too. *shudders*
Zechs: - 60's rock. ~imagines him singing Hair: "Give me lots of hair. Long beautiful hair"~ *G*
Treize: - Big classical buff. Especially when he's bathing. It goes with the roses. ~he probally has Lady Une pick it out too!~
Dorothy: - John Phillip Sousa marches. You know, those patriotic army marches.
Hilde: - I'm afraid to say it, but ~gasp~ modern pop rock. Brittany Spears. N'Sync. *shudders*