A Gundam Pilot's Guide to Ettiquette, AC 195 Edition
By: Bill Door

For those Gundam pilots who need help with the social graces, here is a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know to make it in society.

Rule 1: A Gundam pilot should never accept birthday party invitations from rich, popular, good-looking girls. The correct response in such a situation would be to rip the invitation in two. When the girl starts to cry and ask why, the proper Gundam pilot should wipe her tear away, and then reply in a barely audible whisper, "I will kill you."

Rule 2: If a person asks you for any personal information, like say, if you had a good night's sleep, the correct response would be to immediately pull a gun on them. They know too much.

Rule 3: To win over girls, the best approach is to belittle them and call them weak and cowardly.

Rule 4: The best way to make new friends is to invite them to your desert lair and have them accompany your violin with their flute. Then give them a lot of bullets.

Rule 5: NEVER, EVER, EVER let an enemy taunt you without your first sending a smart retort and then promptly destroying him.

Follow these rules, and you will go far, Gundam Pilots. And remember, when in doubt, ask ZERO.