How the Gundam Pilots Eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
By: Foxfire Winner

Duo: Heero! you got peanut butter on my chocolate!
Heero: So, deal with it!
Duo: So deal with it he says! Ok I'll show him!
Heero: You are really eating that?
Duo: Yumm! This stuff is good!
Heero: Really?! Let me have some! Yumm! I rather have this than self-destruct any day!
Quatre: Really? Let me have some!
Wufei: Me too!
Trowa: Me three!
Duo: Ahhhhh! DON"T CHASE ME!!!!

There's no wrong way,

(crash) Duo: OUCH! GUYS! Quatre: Wow! this stuff is awesome!

to eat a Reese's.