Most Likely To...

Trowa Barton Most Likely to: - win the silent game
- lose Who Wants to be a Millionare b/c he just can't bring himself to speak

Duo Maxwell, most likely to: - be late to his own wedding
- be preist at his own wedding.

Heero Yuy, most likely to: - try and commit suicide and surprise, surprise it doesn't work
- become a guidance counselor
- to spend the rest of his life plotting how to kill Relena. - Heera Yuy

Quatre Raberba Winner, most likely to: - hear voices in his head
- start a career helping mentally challenged people (like Heero)

Wufei Chang, most likely to: - star in the the 6th sense part two (inspired by the "I see dead people and the spirit of his wife.)
- realize how girly he looks with a pony tail
- lose on Who Wants to be a Millionare b/c he refuses to call on a lifeline ~weaklings!~

Treize Kusraneda, most likely to: - die of an oversized ego

Zechs Marquis, most likely to: - forget to wear his mask on Halloween